Spsc Bagmati Gov Np job application is open for All. Bagmati Pradesh loksewa aayog published the job vacancy notice for various administrative & health services. Prasasan aprabidhik & prabidhik post service job vacancy notice by Pradesh loksewa Bagmati Pradesh 3. Bagmati Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog 5th Level Assistant Job Vacancy notice. Apply 5th Level Sahayak Job Bagmati. Bagmati Pradesh published government job vacancy notices in various posts and level.
Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog ( Province Public Service Commission) Advertisement of internal, open and inclusive competitive written examination for non-technical / technical posts of various services at the state and local level. As the demand form for the vacancies at the state and local level has been received, the permanent vacancies have to be filled through internal, open and inclusive competitive examination. Applications are invited from the following qualified candidates.
The selection of the candidates selected from the competitive examination will be recommended at the state and local level according to the order of priority.
The candidates recommended in this way will be given permanent appointment by the concerned state and local level.
Terms of service and salary and other facilities will be in accordance with the prevailing law.
Candidates who have reached the specified minimum qualification should download the application form from the website of the Commission, keep the required educational qualification and other documents in the record file, open all the details on the cover of the file and register the application form at the specified place.
Types of exams: – Written, computer skills test, experimental and interview.
Examination Center: – Bagmati Pradesh, Hetauda.
Application Fee: – as per Bagmati Prdesh Lok sewa Aayog Rule.
JOB Vacancy Online Application: Link Given below
Last date to apply: – 2080 Magh 28 and double fee paid till 2080 Falgun 05
Age limit of the candidate – At least 18 years of age and not less than 35 years of age. Not less than 40 years in case of women and disabled candidates.
There will be no age limit for permanent government employees.
Date of Interview: – The result of the written test will be mentioned when it is published.
Details of the work to be done in the post: – In accordance with the law of the state and local level.
Salary and service facilities: – In accordance with the prevailing laws of the state and local level.
1.Certificates of educational qualification with application
(A) Certificate of Merit (b) Certificate of Character and Certificate of Nepali Citizenship, Training / Experience.
The signature of the candidate, the linear signature (Lapche) and the copy of the certificate should be signed by the candidate himself / herself as per the original copy.
2.By the last date of application, the service should have reached the age as per the prevailing law regarding the group and the age limit should not be exceeded.
There will be no age limit for permanent reinstatement of government employees.
3.The duration of double fee will not be calculated for the purpose of age, educational qualification, training, experience and job period.
4.Must be disqualified as per Section 10 of NSA, 2049.
5.Applications that have not been filed within the time limit prescribed by the Commission or have not met the prescribed minimum qualifications or have not disclosed other specified details or have not paid the prescribed fee will not be accepted.
6.Download the application form from the Commission’s website: ppsc.bagamati.gov.np and fill in the required details along with the prescribed documents.
The application should be submitted along with the required documents by mentioning the advertisement number, level, post, service, group, subgroup, inclusive group and the name, surname and contact number of the candidate on the cover page of the record file.
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