TSC Exam Preparation Tayari OMR Sheet Exam Paper Guideline


TSC OMR Sheet Writing guideline. TSC Exam Preparation TSC Exam Tayari OMR Sheet First Paper Fill up Guideline. TSC exam OMR Sheet writing guideline. TSC Exam Paper Writing process guideline. TSC Teacher Service Commission Shikshak Sewa Aayog published the guideline information regarding the OMR Optical Mark Reader Sheet Exam paper.

TSC Examination Paper Written Sheet Writing guideline by Teacher Service Commission. Answers to objective multiple choice questions asked in Secondary, Lower Secondary, Primary Level 3rd Class Open Side Examination (General) and Internal Competitive Promotion Examination OMR Sheet

TSC Exam Tayari Preparation: TSC Exam Paper Writing Fill Up Guideline How to Write TSC Exam paper

  1. Use OMR Sheet to protect it from dust, cold, scratches, no holes, no scratching.
  2. Arrange for them to write on a blank piece of paper or a piece of paper,
  3. First complete your name by writing one / one letter / alphabet in each of the specified rooms,
  4. Look at your entry form in the roll number writing room and write the 11-digit number in the same way as the sample with it.

TSC Exam OMR Sheet Guideline By Teacher Service Commission

  1. Fill in the ink to cover the same number of the circle number directly below the part of your roll number in the circle with numbers 0 to 9 at the bottom of the roll number writing room.
  2. When writing the date of birth, write the date of the first 2 digits, the month of 2 digits in the middle and the last 2 digits of the year in the last 2 cells,
  3. Fill the room with ink according to your gender.
  4. Instead of writing the roll number in the word, look at the roll number of the above 11 digits one / one digit and write in one / one word accordingly,
  5. View TSC Exam Center Details Teacher Service exam center all over Nepal
  1. When you apply in the category room, look at the admission letter in which group the application has been submitted and fill in the ink in the relevant room. Fill in the form in more than one group and fill in the ink in the corresponding rooms,
  2. Adv No. In the writing room, according to which group and subject advertisement he has applied for, B.No. Write by giving comma (,) respectively and write only at the end of the year 078/079,
  3. In the open examination (general) in the middle of the open giver in the type of examination and 25% of the participants in the promotion examination A.P. Ink on the sidewall,
  4. Set A, B, C, D are mentioned at the beginning of the question paper when you get the set. Accordingly, fill in the ink in one of the A, B, C, D in the OMR Sheet.
  5. The correct answer to the question is to fill the room with ink. Question no. And reading questions.
  6. The answer to that question is to choose one of the four options A, B, C, D given there and the correct option is the same no. Fill in the ink only on the correct one of the four A, B, C, D circles,
  7. Check again after all the work is done, but do not fill the ink in more circles than specified, fill the ink circle. Do not fill outside the enclosure, do not make holes and do not close.
  8. To hand over the answer scripts to the staff in the examination hall,
  9. Failure to comply with the above may result in cancellation of your exam. Be careful and cautious as your answer sheet will be canceled if it is cermet, surrounded by two, torn.
  10. View TSC Model Questions Paper Question Collection in PDF

TSC OMR Sheet Exam Paper Writing Guideline TSC Exam Paper Guideline

TSC Exam Paper OMR Sheet Writing Guideline Process TSC Exam Paper Fill Up Process Tutorial

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